The Bible In Depth
Ray C. Stedman
(40 minute audios)
Old Testament - 39 Books
"The New is in the Old concealed."
The Old Testament looks forward to
Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross.
New Testament - 27 Books
"The Old is in the New revealed."
The New Testament is based on
Christ’s finished work on the Cross.
- 17 books
Poetry - 5 books
- 17 books
Major Prophets
Minor Prophets

- 5 books
Early Church
Teaching - 21 books
Paul's Letters
Prophecy - 1 book
Complete Study (pdf) |
Daily Walk Magazine

What you'll find in the Daily Walk:
Daily Walk will guide you on a life-changing journey through the Bible
in one year. Every feature of this devotional magazine is designed to
help you get the most out of your daily time with the Lord. It's the tool
you have been looking for to bring the Bible alive for you! Enjoyed by
readers around the world, this magazine is the perfect step in your walk
with God. Read an inspiring testimony about the Daily Walk Devo Magazine.
Devotionals That Dig Deeper
You see the world through a variety of lenses. On good days, those lenses
are colored with faith, hope, and love. On other days... well, you know
how it goes. You interpret life through lenses of worry or dissatisfaction,
maybe discouragement or even despair. It's easy to believe whatever spin
the world puts on your life.
But only one perspective counts: God's. And the only way we can see through
His eyes is to know His Word. Walk Thru the Bible's five devotional magazines
will help you do that. With each day's reading, you immerse yourself in
truth and look at life through the right lenses. These devotional resources
will keep you in God's Word, help you grow with consistency, and cultivate
in you the only perspective that counts.
a sample of this magazine
a Subscription Today
Your Subscription
Product Details
Overviews of the daily Scripture reading
Historical summary introduces each book
Personal application accompanies each day's reading
Brings a fresh perspective to all 66 books
Published monthly
May be used with the Bible translation of your choice
"Thank you for your wonderful study, insights, and daily challenges.
It is awesome to reflect on the ways God prepares me for what's ahead.
And how faithful He is to answer prayerseven the ones only half
articulated. Amazing God. Thanks so much!" - K.H., Texas
"Three of us at church committed to read through the Bible using
the Daily Walk as our guide. We are all very encouraged and thrilled to
have read the Bible, cover to cover, in one year. Thank you for the Daily
Walk. It was good, simple, informative, and an easy way to challenge and
pace ourselves. It helped us help each other be accountable, and suggested
topics of discussion for the times we met together. Thank you." -
P.S., Colorado
© 2011 Walk
Thru the Bible