Thru The Bible Radio |
The Complete 5-Year Series in MP3 with Notes & Outlines |
Old Testament - 39 Books
"The New is in the Old concealed."
The Old Testament looks forward to Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross. |
New Testament - 27 Books
"The Old is in the New revealed."
The New Testament is based on Christ’s finished work on the Cross. |
History - 17 books
Poetry - 5 books
Prophecy - 17 books Major Prophets
Minor Prophets

History - 5 books Gospels
Early Church
Teaching - 21 books Paul's Letters
General Letters
Prophecy - 1 book

Thru The Bible Radio |
with Dr. J. Vernon McGee |
The Whole Word to the Whole World
There is no substitute for a study of the Word of God to make one a full-grown saint of God, well oriented for the great adventure of life. The Thru the Bible Radio program, which takes listeners through the entire Bible in just five years, is a proven method of encouraging people to study the Bible systematically. All great spiritual movements among the people of God have come about through a revival of Bible study. It will make you an intelligent Christian (I Peter 3:15). It will make you an instructed Christian (II Timothy 3:16-17). It will make you an informed Christian (John 7:17).
Because the mission of Thru the Bible Radio is to take the whole Word to the whole world, these files are made available to you free of charge for your personal use. The recorded messages, notes and outlines remain the sole property of Thru the Bible Radio Network, but they may be saved to your computer, and shared with others, as long as the material is distributed free of charge and is kept in its original, unedited form.
How You Can Help
1. Please pray for Thru The Bible Radio which has staff and ministry partners all over the world who rely on the prayer support of people like you who have a heart for sharing God's Word, not only with your friends and neighbors, but with those living in darkness at the farthest corners of the globe.
2. The worldwide work of Thru the Bible is supported entirely by the gifts of our generous and faithful listeners. Approximately $12.5 million was invested in foreign-language broadcasts over the last year. Although listeners in other lands do contribute as they are able, the cost of these programs is largely covered by our listeners in North America. Years ago, Dr. McGee decided never to beg or hound our listeners for money. Thru the Bible still holds to that policy, and simply lets you know of the need and relies on the Holy Spirit to speak to the hearts of those who are then moved to give. If you're so led, you may make an online gift to the ministry or call us at 1-800-65-BIBLE.
3. Buy an MP3 Album. Instead of making copies of the free downloaded files for your friends, family, and neighbors, why not get them an attractive album of the Complete 5-Year Series in MP3 Format with Notes and Outlines in PDF? It's available from Thru The Bible Radio for only $45 each, and proceeds from the sale of the album support the Thru the Bible ministry! Click here for more information or to place your online order. |

Thru the Bible Radio
Copyright Notice: All Thru the Bible materials and downloads contained on this website are graciously provided for your personal use, but may not to be sold to anyone else in any format without written permission from Thru the Bible Radio Network. Proprietary rights and copyright laws apply to all the content, including the downloads, from this website, which remain the sole property of Thru the Bible Radio Network. Any broadcast, rebroadcast, or other use of any of the materials of Thru the Bible Radio Network without the express written consent of Thru the Bible Radio Network is strictly prohibited. All rights are reserved by Thru the Bible Radio Ministry.