Christians today are becoming more and more aware of the fact that they should be helping to fulfill Christ's Great Commission. They should be obedient to the command of Jesus to “Go . . . and make disciples.”
Still, as in Jesus' day, “the laborers are few.” Why? Some lack motivation. They simply don't seem to care very much. Others don't have a vision for what a layman should and can do. Many simply just don't know how to go about it. In this online disciplemaking manual, Gene Warr provides answers to the roadblocks that keep Christians from being effective. He motivates, provides vision, and shows step-by-step how to make disciples.
My friend Gene Warr is a disciplemaker. He is also a stimulator. He has been doing it for years and getting others to do it. Therefore, the material presented in this book has been tested in real life experience. It is a veritable handbook of how-to's for those who are willing to obey Jesus' command to go and make disciples.
This manual shows you that you can make disciples. I am happy to commend it and I trust it will have a wide circulation and use. Prayerfully applied to the lives and ministries of Christians today, these principles can help them become makers of disciples who will “turn the world upside down” (Acts 17:6).
Lorne C. Sanny - The Navigators
Some people seem to do quite well on their own, but I need all the help I can get. My deepest thanks to those who have made this series possible. First, to four of my dear friends, who insisted that the series of messages on discipleship be put up on the Internet: Max Barnett, Billie Hanks, Jr., Ford Madison, and Wayne Watts. They never relented. Second, to Monte Unger, who took the transcriptions and put them into readable form. Third, to those who read the manuscript and gave such helpful suggestions: Milton Bryan, and especially Keith Miller, who laboriously and painstakingly went over it line by line. Fourthly, to my secretary, Marty Townsend Olson, whose patience and perseverance through the many drafts was a source of consistent encouragement to me.
Gene Warr
*Gene was commissioned in the US Army at age 19, and served as a reconnaissance platoon leader in an armored division of George Patton's 3rd Army. After WWII Gene returned to business life in Oklahoma City where God has used him in an extensive ministry in speaking, teaching, witnessing and discipling men in North America and around the world. |